Monday, January 10, 2011

Happy Homemaker Monday (2)

Well, it is the second Monday of the year.  How are you doing on your New Year's Resolutions so far?  Sandra over at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom does this little meme every Monday, and I'm going to try to link up to it as often as possible.

 The weather in my neck of the woods:
The ground is covered in snow, it's 13 degrees right now (feels like 5) and the high for today is 29.  Brrrrr....

Things that make me happy:
Hearing my kiddos laugh and play together.  Seeing something 'click' for Bones.  Watching Kayla play 'mommy' to her babies. :D

Book I'm reading:
Bible.  Going to try to read through it all this year.

What's on my TV today:
Watched 'Robocop' with The Hubs.  It was a bit gory, but I tend to like action movies.  No TV today though, it's a school day. :)

On the menu for dinner:
Something with chicken.  I'm not entirely sure yet.  It was supposed to be beans, but I forgot to soak them.

On my To Do List:

Fold Laundry
Do dishes

New Recipe I tried or want to try soon:
Chicken Tortilla Soup.  I've made a variation of it before, but it just wasn't very tasty...  I need to try again.

In the craft basket:
I have several things I need to make for friends.  Make-up capes (anyone have any idea how to get started on that???), Aprons for an adult and toddler, handmade gifts for 5 friends (Facebook thing).  I also need to make some more doll clothes and get started on Barbie clothes.  Draft Dodgers as well.

Looking forward to this week:
I was looking forward to trying to get a routine established, however the Air Force threw a wrench into those plans.  The Hubs has to work nights this week (and possibly next), which means he'll be home during the day.  I am looking forward to having him allll day tomorrow though.

Tips and Tricks:
I can't think of a single one this week...

My favorite blog post this week:
A post from Andrea over at Sgt and Mrs Hub.  It is beautiful. 

Blog Hopping (a new discovered blog you would like to share with the readers):
A friend of mine! :)  Leyna at 3 men and a Lady.

No words needed (favorite photo or picture, yours or others you want to share):
Came across this photo earlier...seems like SO long ago.  My baby Bones and itty bitty KK. 

Lesson learned the past few days:

That I am enough.  I don't need to be anything more-or less-than what I am.  I am exactly as God made me, and that is good enough for me. :)

On my mind:
Homeschool stuff.  We're going to be switching a lot around in the next few months, and it makes me a little nervous.  I'm super excited though!!!

Devotionals, Scripture Reading, Key Verses:
I actually have 3 verses on my heart right now, I will share 2 here and delve deeper into them in a later posting.

Proverbs 16:9  In their hearts humans plan their course, but the LORD establishes their steps.

Jeremiah 29:11  "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."


  1. Hi!
    Your little guy looks really happy holding his sister. Have a great day!

    Food for Thought

  2. Great list! Love your picture. It sure goes fast huh?

    I like your lesson learned and I am working on that one too. Somedays I do really well on it but then there are those nasty days...

    Jeremiah 29:11 has always been on e of my favorite verses. Even if I am not sure of what His plan is for me I know He has a great one instore for me!
    Have a blessed week and I am glad I found your blog!

  3. Hi from Happy Homemaker Monday! We have cold weather just like you. With snow today as well. I am ready for winter to be over! :)

    I hope you have a great week and I enjoyed your HHM post.


  4. I like your lesson learned! As well as your scriptures. Many of my favorites there. Have a great week!

  5. First time I've visited your blog. Hopped on over from HHM!

    Have you tried this recipe for your ckn tortilla soup? I'm hoping to try it soon :)

    Hope you've had a great Monday!
